Hi, I’m Bethany…

Welcome to my little corner of the internet, where I get to blend my passions for faith, mental health, style, and intentional living.

About ten years ago, I had a blog where I shared my heart on spirituality, health, style, and life. It was a space that brought me so much joy and creative fulfillment. Around that same time, I was also in grad school pursuing my counseling degreeβ€”a path that would eventually lead me to my dream career as a licensed professional counselor. As life got busier with licensing hours and building my private practice, I set blogging aside to focus on the work I felt called to do.

Somewhere along the way, I realized how much I missed having a creative outlet. I also found myself grappling with the fear of mixing my personal and professional life. But now, I’m embracing the idea that life is richer when we integrate the many parts of who we are. This blog is my way of reclaiming a hobby that brings me joy, while weaving together my expertise as a therapist with my love for style, faith, and whole-person wellness.

Here, you’ll find reflections on faith, mental & emotional health, life rhythms, and the beauty of intentional living. You’ll also see glimpses of my favorite style and beauty tips because I believe self-expression and creativity are meaningful parts of a well-lived life. My hope is that this space inspires you to pursue joy, create rhythms that nurture your soul, and lean into the things that make you feel fully alive.

I live in Dallas, Texas, where I run my counseling private practice. I’m a single gal attempting to navigate life with grace, and I’m passionate about encouraging others to find beauty, balance, and meaning in their own journeys.

Thanks for being here! I hope this blog feels like a place where you can be inspired, uplifted, and reminded of the goodness that comes from living authentically and pursuing what matters most to you.

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The Blog

Welcome to my blogβ€”a space where faith, style, and wellness collide!

Catch me on Instagram for more reflections, outfits, and everyday moments. Let’s stay connected!